Devil Returns to School Days: A Closer Look at Chapter 32

“Devil Returns to School Days” is a gripping tale of power, betrayal, and the fight for justice within the microcosm of a high school. In Chapter 32, the narrative takes a dramatic turn as Taejoon, the story’s protagonist, confronts the oppressive regime of Kim Hyungsung. This chapter underscores the central themes of resistance against tyranny and the quest for truth, providing readers with a thrilling continuation of Taejoon’s journey.

The Rise of Kim Hyungsung

Kim Hyungsung’s ascension to power within the school is marked by his strategic use of a new scholarship program. This initiative not only consolidates his influence but also cements his position as the school’s unchallenged leader. With substantial external backing, Kim manipulates his peers into supporting his agenda, creating a school environment steeped in fear and control. His regime is characterized by coercion and dominance, making it difficult for dissenting voices to emerge.

Taejoon: The Defiant Transfer Student

Enter Taejoon, a transfer student from the prestigious Golden Circle. Unlike his peers, Taejoon refuses to be intimidated by Kim’s authoritarian rule. His transfer marks the beginning of a resistance movement within the school. Taejoon’s primary objective is to expose Kim’s true intentions and hold him accountable for his manipulative actions. His unyielding resolve becomes a beacon of hope for other students who are disillusioned with Kim’s leadership.

The Role of Bae

Bae, one of the school’s most formidable students, plays a crucial role in reinforcing Kim’s power. His unwavering support for Kim poses a significant challenge for Taejoon. Bae’s loyalty is not merely a matter of personal allegiance but a reflection of the broader coercive tactics employed by Kim to maintain control. Despite this, Taejoon successfully overcomes Bae’s influence, securing the scholarship that Kim has used to tighten his grip on the school.

Taejoon’s Triumphs and Challenges

Taejoon’s journey is fraught with numerous challenges. His victory over Bae and other students loyal to Kim is a testament to his determination and strategic acumen. However, these triumphs are just the beginning. The latest chapter introduces a new layer of complexity to Taejoon’s struggle. In an unexpected twist, Taejoon discovers a teacher colluding with Kim. This revelation hints at a deeper conspiracy within the school’s hierarchy, suggesting that Taejoon’s battle is far from over.

The Impending Showdown

The encounter with the teacher who is in league with Kim sets the stage for an impending showdown. This development raises the stakes for Taejoon, as he must now navigate the treacherous waters of faculty involvement in the conspiracy. The teacher’s involvement indicates that Kim’s influence extends beyond the student body, infiltrating the very institutions meant to protect and guide the students. Taejoon’s confrontation with this teacher will likely reveal more about the extent of Kim’s manipulation and the systemic corruption within the school.

Themes of Resistance and Justice

Chapter 32 of “Devil Returns to School Days” vividly portrays the themes of resistance and justice. Taejoon’s defiance against Kim’s oppressive regime is emblematic of the broader struggle against authoritarianism. His journey is not just about personal vindication but about restoring integrity and fairness within the school. The narrative draws readers into a world where the fight for truth and justice is relentless and fraught with peril.

Character Development

Taejoon’s character development is a focal point in this chapter. His growth from a transfer student into a formidable adversary against Kim’s regime is compelling. Taejoon’s strategic thinking, bravery, and unwavering commitment to justice make him a relatable and inspiring protagonist. On the other hand, Kim Hyungsung is portrayed as a cunning antagonist whose manipulative tactics create a chilling atmosphere of control and fear.


Chapter 32 of “Devil Returns to School Days” is a masterful continuation of a story that captivates its audience with themes of power, resistance, and justice. Taejoon’s ongoing battle against Kim Hyungsung’s oppressive rule, his triumphs, and the new challenges he faces keep readers on the edge of their seats. As the narrative progresses, the anticipation for Taejoon’s next move and the eventual showdown with the colluding teacher builds, promising an exhilarating continuation of the series.

In essence, “Devil Returns to School Days” not only entertains but also prompts reflection on the dynamics of power and the importance of standing up against injustice. Chapter 32 is a pivotal moment that encapsulates the essence of Taejoon’s struggle and sets the stage for the unfolding drama within the school’s turbulent corridors.

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